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Hardware Test - LynxTWO/L22 Windows

Below is the procedure for determining if there is a problem with your LynxTWO/L22 hardware. Using our own audio play and record application and a known good audio file, we can conclusively establish if there is a hardware problem with your card by following this procedure:

1. Download the Demo32 application, and save it to your computer's desktop.

2. Download and save it to a convenient location on your computer's hard drive. Please note that this is a compressed file and will require an extraction program like WinZip to decompress the file (Windows XP can decompress .zip files without an additional application). Unzip the file Dialtone.wav to your computer’s desktop.

3. Connect the first pair of analog outputs (labeled as Out1 and Out2) of your Lynx card into the first pair of inputs (labeled as In1 and In2) using only our cables (no adapter cables).

4. Open the Lynx Mixer from Start > All Programs > Lynx Studio Technology > LynxTWO Mixer.

5. Choose “Restore Defaults” from the Mixer menu. This will insure that the sample clock source is Internal, that the output levels are at maximum, and that no channels are muted.

6. Launch two copies of the Demo32.exe application by double-clicking the Demo32.exe file two times. They should appear in the top left corner of your screen. On both instances of the Demo32 program, set the Play Device to LynxTWO-X Device 1 (with Version 1 driver: LynxTWO Play 1), and the Rec Device to LynxTWO-X Device 1 (with Version1 driver: LynxTWO Record 1).

7. On the first instance of the Demo32 application, click “File”. Navigate to the computer Desktop and select “Dialtone.wav”, then click “Open”.

8. The first instance of the demo 32 application should now be titled “Lynx Demo – DIALTONE.wav”. Now click “File” on the second instance of the Demo32 application, and again navigate to the computer desktop. Type “Test” in the File Name box, and click “Open”.

9. Click “Play” on the first instance of Demo32. You should see the progress bar start to move from left to right.

10. Click “Record” on the second instance of Demo32. You’ll see a dialog box asking “Are you sure you want to overwrite the current file?”. Click “Yes”.

11. After one minute, click “Stop” on both instances of Demo32. Connect the cables for Out1 and Out2 to your external monitoring device (i.e. mixer, powered speakers or some other monitoring device). Make sure that the volume is turned up to a moderate level on the monitoring system.

12. Click Play on the second instance of Demo32 (it should say “Lynx Demo – test.wav” at the top).

13. Are you hearing audio? Is the signal strength of the left and right channels virtually the same? We recommend viewing the test.wav file in an editor with a graphic waveform display to insure that it matches the original dialtone.wav file. If so – your Lynx hardware is operating correctly. If not, please contact Lynx technical support.

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